The Sign of the Flying Fish
Cloud beings are inviting us to breakfast with them in their vast vaulted chambers but before we can respond to the winged maiden and her companion, a young regal elephant, they have changed into a dragon and a rather myopic vulture. We wave anyway and thank them, honoring the invitation, for one never knows when they will be invited again.
As we flow on our way, shadows fall as more clouds appear, dark and heavy with rain. To be caught in a storm might take us far away from our drop point but just as I'm preparing to try some magic of my own we are sucked into a lively and gamboling group of wind slyphs The best I can do, as we begin a wild frolic of a ride, is to make sure the balloons stay upright and together and attached to the baskets with my dear little ones inside.
Time becomes dancing leaps and and rippling waves of light and shadow with showers of rain glistening with lightning sparks. It is a grand time, for all the wonder of where the storm is taking us, and we are belly barking and squealing as the wind slyphs whip us about and the rain soaks us through. Then, right out of the middle of this windy frenzy another Welkin Elf appears, calm as you please, standing on the back of a huge winged horse. He's a little fella and he's wearing a wondrous strange and most interesting costume. I rather fancy the lad and want to make his acquaintance, but we are so off our schedule I just wave and nod along with the others. The Welkin gives us a nod in return and then blows a powerful brew of musical notes on his carved flute and the rollicking wind and clouds swiftly part, the air smelling suddenly sweet and heady as flower blossoms. And there, in the clearing we can see below us the blue of the sea and lo what should jump right up at that very moment but a great flying fish.
Phee's Note:
The doors to the realms of imagination you will find in image on these pages and you are welcome to open the doors and explore in your own way. You might write a story and draw pictures as if you were keeping a journal of this imaginary trip. Images come first to me, so I draw them and then the words come. Some of images may require that you do some research and take field trips to get more information for your story. There are also black and white drawings to color on the coloring pages.
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Aquarium fish hot air balloons coloring project Faery fairy tale elfin elvin whimsey whimsy waggery elven wisdom whimsical fairy godmother crone maiden hero tales adventures elf trickster mischief children's playful picture stories child craft crafts project mystical magical weird creatures dragon dragons sea creature mermaid mermaids fish myth myths mystical traditions enchantment enchantment faery chronicles original art for all ages